Warren Baldwin posted a giveaway for my book at Titus 2 In Action. You can read an excerpt from chapter three "The Real Enemy - Out to Destroy Your Family" at this link: God's Given You the Best
Amanda Beth
Thanks for stopping by my site! Welcome to my "Enjoying Your Family" blog!
I'm a wife of 16 years, mother of four children (ages 3 to 11), and author of "YOU CAN HAVE A HAPPY FAMILY - Steps to Enjoying Your Marriage and Children" and "THE LOVE WALK: A 15-Week Devotional on 1 Corinthians 13:4-8" I also author another blog on spiritual growth every Monday at SharingTruths.com, and I am a weekly guest contributor every Sunday at Christian Blessings. God has blessed me, my marriage and my family in more ways than I could ever imagine. I am so honored to give my life to Christ and share His Word wherever God sends me. "Blessed is the man who fears the LORD, who finds great delight in his commands. His children will be mighty in the land; the generation of the upright will be blessed." Psalm 112:1-2