I stumbled upon Sundi Jo Graham's website the other day. She shared this prayer request:
I want to introduce you to a little girl who desperately needs your prayers. Meet Lilly. She’s a newborn. Right now she is suffering.
From meningitis to strokes, doctor’s are giving her family no hope. Man is telling them that she will not survive. Medicine says “sorry, there is nothing more we can do.”
But God…
I haven’t ceased praying for this precious little girl and I am asking for your prayers as well.
Jesus said in Matthew 18:20,
“When two of you get together on anything at all on earth and make a prayer of it, my Father in heaven goes into action. And when two or three of you are together because of me, you can be sure that I’ll be there.” MSG
God is still in control. God still takes action. Though I don’t know what His plans are, I am praying in faith that little Lily will show man they are wrong.
Will you pray with me?
The very next day, she posted this message:
I want to introduce you to a little girl who desperately needs your prayers. Meet Lilly. She’s a newborn. Right now she is suffering.
From meningitis to strokes, doctor’s are giving her family no hope. Man is telling them that she will not survive. Medicine says “sorry, there is nothing more we can do.”
But God…
- Raised a dead man to life
- Parted the red sea
- Made manna fall from Heaven
- Fed 5,000 people with a loaf of bread and fish
I haven’t ceased praying for this precious little girl and I am asking for your prayers as well.
Jesus said in Matthew 18:20,
“When two of you get together on anything at all on earth and make a prayer of it, my Father in heaven goes into action. And when two or three of you are together because of me, you can be sure that I’ll be there.” MSG
God is still in control. God still takes action. Though I don’t know what His plans are, I am praying in faith that little Lily will show man they are wrong.
Will you pray with me?
The very next day, she posted this message:
Yesterday I posted a prayer request on the blog for Baby Lily. Within a few hours, hundreds of you responded and took prayer action.
For anyone that is still in doubt about the power of prayer, read this note from Lily’s grandmother, Judy.
“I want you to know that in addition to the thousands of wonderful people praying for Lily that yesterday my granddaughter, Abby, (Lily’s older sister who is 15 now) stood in front of her church and told everyone Lily’s story. It just so happened that a man who travels the world and has a healing ministry was looking for a church to attend for a sunday service, and happened to land at Abby’s church.. He was so moved by her words he asked to speak to her .. He told her grandfather about his work for the Lord and said that he needed to see this beautiful little baby.. he arrived at the hospital at 6:00 pm.. he asked that we all join hands and started praying for her.. he wasn’t there long , he was a very humble man , he hugged us all and then left.. about 30 minutes later Lily started breathing 25 breaths per minute on her own… She hadn’t been able to breathe more than a few a day up and until that point.. Her beautiful little eyes that have been so swollen that she couldn’t open them if she had been able started to lose there puffiness and within an hour her eyes were wide open.. She has continued through the night to breath 25 breaths per minute and was awake again this morning looking straight at her mommy… Please remember this child is heavily sedated and there is no logical reason for her to even be able to stay awake…. I , we , believe we witnessed a true miracle last night.. We believe there was a healing.. Continued prayers are needed as she has a very long way to go.. Thank you Jesus… And thanks to all who pray for our little Lily ………”
Blessings to all
Judy (Lily’s grandmother)
Please continue to pray with me and hundreds of others as God continues to move mountains with Baby Lily.
As a mom, this especially touches my heart. I have seen my daughter pass out in my arms, not knowing if she was would wake up. I have seen my baby rushed to the hospital to be put on a respirator because he wasn't breathing well.
This is every parents nightmare.
But God tells us, "Do not fear. I am with you." "I forgive all your sins, heal all your diseases, redeem your life from the pit, and crown you with love and compassion." Isaiah 41:10, Psalm 103:3-4
God is so faithful to send His servant to administer healing to baby Lily! Will we be faithful when God sends us to heal someone? Jesus said, "I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in me will do what I have been doing. He will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father."
I have witnessed God's healing power through His Spirit in me many times. I've stood over my aunt dying in the hospital standing firm on God's promises that He was faithful to heal. I have prayed countless times over my children's sickness and wounds and seen God's miraculous healing...sometimes instant, sometimes several days. I have seen my niece and my nephews miraculously healed and the doctors left speechless. I have seen my husband healed instantly several times from head pains and sicknesses.
I don't understand everything about healing, but I know God's Word is true. Mark 16:17-18 says, "And these signs will accompany those who believe: In my name they will drive out demons; they will speak in new tongues; they will pick up snakes with their hands; and when they drink deadly poison, it will not hurt them at all; they will place their hands on sick people, and they will get well.”
Imagine how many non-believers would turn to Christ if we asked God to use us to heal the sick!! They would physically see God's power in their lives.
Would you stand with me and pray for God to use us in a powerful way to heal the sick?
We praise you God for Your healing power over baby Lily. May there be many more stories of healing in the days to come. Use us Lord to heal the sick and bring Jesus to the lost. Show us the power that is inside of us through Your Holy Spirit! The devil has no hold on us. We have power over him and his agents through the blood of Jesus. Help us to stand firm on your promises and may the world see the glory of the Lord shine through us!
In Jesus' precious name, Amen!
For anyone that is still in doubt about the power of prayer, read this note from Lily’s grandmother, Judy.
“I want you to know that in addition to the thousands of wonderful people praying for Lily that yesterday my granddaughter, Abby, (Lily’s older sister who is 15 now) stood in front of her church and told everyone Lily’s story. It just so happened that a man who travels the world and has a healing ministry was looking for a church to attend for a sunday service, and happened to land at Abby’s church.. He was so moved by her words he asked to speak to her .. He told her grandfather about his work for the Lord and said that he needed to see this beautiful little baby.. he arrived at the hospital at 6:00 pm.. he asked that we all join hands and started praying for her.. he wasn’t there long , he was a very humble man , he hugged us all and then left.. about 30 minutes later Lily started breathing 25 breaths per minute on her own… She hadn’t been able to breathe more than a few a day up and until that point.. Her beautiful little eyes that have been so swollen that she couldn’t open them if she had been able started to lose there puffiness and within an hour her eyes were wide open.. She has continued through the night to breath 25 breaths per minute and was awake again this morning looking straight at her mommy… Please remember this child is heavily sedated and there is no logical reason for her to even be able to stay awake…. I , we , believe we witnessed a true miracle last night.. We believe there was a healing.. Continued prayers are needed as she has a very long way to go.. Thank you Jesus… And thanks to all who pray for our little Lily ………”
Blessings to all
Judy (Lily’s grandmother)
Please continue to pray with me and hundreds of others as God continues to move mountains with Baby Lily.
As a mom, this especially touches my heart. I have seen my daughter pass out in my arms, not knowing if she was would wake up. I have seen my baby rushed to the hospital to be put on a respirator because he wasn't breathing well.
This is every parents nightmare.
But God tells us, "Do not fear. I am with you." "I forgive all your sins, heal all your diseases, redeem your life from the pit, and crown you with love and compassion." Isaiah 41:10, Psalm 103:3-4
God is so faithful to send His servant to administer healing to baby Lily! Will we be faithful when God sends us to heal someone? Jesus said, "I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in me will do what I have been doing. He will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father."
I have witnessed God's healing power through His Spirit in me many times. I've stood over my aunt dying in the hospital standing firm on God's promises that He was faithful to heal. I have prayed countless times over my children's sickness and wounds and seen God's miraculous healing...sometimes instant, sometimes several days. I have seen my niece and my nephews miraculously healed and the doctors left speechless. I have seen my husband healed instantly several times from head pains and sicknesses.
I don't understand everything about healing, but I know God's Word is true. Mark 16:17-18 says, "And these signs will accompany those who believe: In my name they will drive out demons; they will speak in new tongues; they will pick up snakes with their hands; and when they drink deadly poison, it will not hurt them at all; they will place their hands on sick people, and they will get well.”
Imagine how many non-believers would turn to Christ if we asked God to use us to heal the sick!! They would physically see God's power in their lives.
Would you stand with me and pray for God to use us in a powerful way to heal the sick?
We praise you God for Your healing power over baby Lily. May there be many more stories of healing in the days to come. Use us Lord to heal the sick and bring Jesus to the lost. Show us the power that is inside of us through Your Holy Spirit! The devil has no hold on us. We have power over him and his agents through the blood of Jesus. Help us to stand firm on your promises and may the world see the glory of the Lord shine through us!
In Jesus' precious name, Amen!