I admit it's a challenge to enjoy everyday life while being married, raising four children, homeschooling, and writing. My prayer is to share my everyday struggles with the hope that these blogs will be an encouragement to others.
I won't be posting a set day as I do with my Sharing Truth's blogs. I want this blog to be more casual. I will post once or twice a week, when something comes up or when God puts something on my heart to share. I'll also post book giveaways and feature guest blogs on marriage and raising children.
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I got the idea for this blog this morning as I was helping my daughter while my three sons played peacefully in their room. I stress the word peacefully because that doesn't happen often with my kids. Of course the peaceful playing didn't last long as my six and four-year-old started screaming at each other over who knows what.
As I raced to their room to break up their fight, I suddenly felt something gushy squish between my toes. I feared to look down as I knew it had to be one of two things, and neither would be pleasing. I looked behind the bedroom door and there stood my two-year-old with his diaper off happily playing with his tool bench, not caring that his bottom and legs were covered in doo doo. So here I am on one foot, holding my toddler at a distance, hopping to the bathtub, and yelling out to my daughter to quarantine the bedroom so my sons wouldn't step in it.
When things like this happen I have learned that I have two choices: I can freak out and let it affect me and my children. Or I can remain calm and laugh about it now since I know I'll laugh about it someday.
Our children watch how we handle situations. If we freak out every time they make a mistake, they will freak out every time someone wrongs them. If we don't teach them how to stay in peace, by keeping calm in stressful situations, they will have a hard time staying in peace.
Jesus said: "Peace I leave with you; My [own] peace I now give and bequeath to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Do not let your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid. [Stop allowing yourselves to be agitated and disturbed; and do not permit yourselves to be fearful and intimidated and cowardly and unsettled.]" -John 14:27, AMP