My husband and I decided to have Thanksgiving at our house this year and invite both our families. A few weeks ago we made the crazy decision to rush and turn our basement into a family room so we would have enough room to fit everyone.
Whenever we do a project we always end up doing more than we anticipate. I tend to get off track by adding more projects along the way, and then get overwhelmed as my to-do list continues to grow.
As my husband and I were working day and night trying to finish our family room, I decided since I was painting cabinets for the basement, I might as well paint my island in my kitchen and a cabinet in my hall. And since I emptied my island and cabinet, I decided to empty and clean out my china cabinet and desk, and remove them from the kitchen to make more room for guests. Because I removed my desk and china cabinet, it left my wall bare, so I had to buy wall decor. Since I was decorating my walls, I thought I might as well decorate for Christmas. Since I was decorating for Christmas, I decided to put up our tree. Since I put up our tree, I thought I should get a tree for our new family room and decorate it as well. My to-do list grew as I continued to add on more projects.
As I was running a table at a mom to mom sale last weekend, stressed out thinking about my ever-growing to-do list, I noticed a woman selling at a table across from me crying. The director of the sale told me that the woman had a c-section a week ago, and her baby was born prematurely at 27 weeks. She had to leave the sale early because her baby was having emergency heart surgery that day.
I noticed she was at the sale alone with her two toddlers, so I offered to help and carry her items to her car. After talking to her, I found out that her husband was in the hospital as well. The Lord brought my attention to the fact that no mother would work a mom to mom sale alone with two toddlers only a week after having a c-section, on top of having a premature baby and a husband in the hospital, unless she desperately needed money.
After praying with her and giving her what I had from the sale, I sat down and thought about all the stupid things I had been worrying about the past few weeks. None of that mattered after seeing this woman hurting so deeply. God humbled me as my heart broke for her and her family.
Now, I could care less if my to-do list gets done for Thanksgiving or not. I just want to praise God that I get to spend the holidays with my loved ones.
I encourage you to do the same. Don't let your to-do list steal your time away from your family. Enjoy each day you have with them. Be thankful that you get to spend another holiday with the ones you love.
I pray you have a blessed, anxiety-free Thanksgiving!
Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
--Philippians 4:6-7